Contact Us

Customer Service

For RSA / WA enquiries call 1 888 877 1710

For RSA Travel enquiries


Have a Claim?

You have two options to get help:

  1. Our Claims Service Representatives are available 24 hours a day at 1-800-319-9993
  2. Call your broker; he or she will report the claim on your behalf


Unclaimed Property?

In the course of business, RSA may owe money to someone as a result of a claim, a policy premium refund, or other circumstances. If the payee cannot be located, the money owed becomes “unclaimed”.

If you believe RSA may have unclaimed property owed to you, please contact us at:


Office address:  

Mississauga Gateway Centre

100 - 2 Prologis Blvd,

Mississauga, Ontario

L5W 0G8

Please have ready as much information as possible when contacting us (i.e. name, current and past addresses, insurance policy number, claim number, nature of property).

Web Inquiries

Need to make a Claim?

Learn more about our hassle-free claims service.



Want to stop in and see us in person? You can find us during business hours at one of our national locations.


Media Enquiries

RSA Insurance Group PLC was acquired by Intact Financial Corporation on June 1, 2021. Please direct all media inquiries relating to RSA Canada to



Please send all notifications of legal proceedings in Quebec to: